
This is a list of evolution-inducing held items

Items that induce evolution upon trading[]

PGL Dragon Scale Dragon Scale[]

This item evolves Seadra into Kingdra when traded. In Gold, Silver and Crystal, it also boosted the power of Dragon-type moves by 10%. It is found in these locations:

PGL King's Rock King's Rock[]

This item has a 10% of causing the target Pokémon to flinch from a damage-dealing move that does not already flinch. It can also evolve Poliwhirl into Politoed and Slowpoke into Slowking when traded. It is found in these locations:

Metal Coat Sprite Metal Coat[]

This item increases damage by Steel-type moves by 20%. It also lets Onix evolve into Steelix and Scyther evolve into Scizor when traded. It is found in these locations:

Up-Grade Sprite Up-Grade[]

This lets Porygon evolve into Porygon2 when traded. It is found in these locations:

  • GSC - Silph Co.
  • FRLG - Rocket Warehouse, Trainer Tower prize
  • DPPt - Eterna CityRoute 224PtTeam Galactic Eterna BuildingPt
  • HGSS - Silph Co.
  • BW - Route 13, Route 15
  • B2W2 - Pinwheel Forest, Black City, Join Avenue, Striation City
  • XY - Battle Maison, PokéMileage Club (Balloon Popping, Lv. 1)
  • ORAS - Battle Resort
  • SM - Aether House, Battle Tree (32BP)

Dubious Disc Sprite Dubious Disc[]

It lets Porygon2 evolve into Porygon-Z when traded. It is found in these locations:

  • DPPt - Route 225Team Galactic HQPt, 12000 Poké Coupons in Pokémon Battle Revolution
  • HGSS - Route 42
  • BW - Route 13, P2 Laboratory
  • B2W2 - Join AvenueP2 LaboratoryBlack City
  • XY - Battle Maison, PokéMileage Club (Balloon Popping, Lv. 1)
  • ORAS - Battle Resort
  • SM - Aether Paradise (post-game), Battle Tree (32BP)

Deep Sea Scale Deep Sea Scale[]

This item doubles Clamperl's Special Defense. It also lets it evolve into Gorebyss when traded. It is found in these locations:

Deep Sea Tooth Deep Sea Tooth[]

This item doubles Clamperl's Special Attack and lets it evolve into Huntail when traded. It is found in these locations:

Electirizer Sprite Electirizer[]

This item lets Electabuzz evolve into Electivire when traded. It is found in these locations:

Magmarizer Sprite Magmarizer[]

This item lets Magmar evolve into Magmortar when traded. It is found in these locations:

Protector Sprite Protector[]

This item lets Rhydon evolve into Rhyperior when traded. It is found in these locations:

  • DPPt - Route 228, Iron IslandPt
  • HGSS - Mt. Mortar
  • BW - Route 11, Route 13 (Treasure Hunter)
  • B2W2 - Wellspring Cave, Join Avenue, Black City
  • XY - Lost Hotel, Battle Maison (32BP)
  • ORAS - Battle Maison (32BP)
  • SM - Paniola Town (Post-game), Battle Tree (32 BP)

Reaper Cloth Reaper Cloth[]

This item lets Dusclops evolve into Dusknoir when traded. It is found in these locations:

  • DPPt - Route 229
  • HGSS - Silver Cave, Winner's Path (Pokéwalker)
  • BW - Route 14, Route 13 (Treasure Hunter)
  • B2W2 - Dreamyard, Join Avenue
  • XY - Terminus Cave, Battle Maison (32BP)
  • ORAS - Battle Maison (32BP)
  • SM - Malie City (after Nanu's Grand Trial), Battle Tree (32BP)

Prism Scale Prism Scale[]

This item lets Feebas evolve into Milotic when traded. It is found in these locations:

Dream Sachet Sachet[]

This item lets Spritzee evolve into Aromatisse when traded

  • XY - Cyllage City, Route 12, Battle Maison (32BP)
  • ORAS - Battle Maison (32BP)
  • SM - Konikoni City (Postgame), Battle Tree (32BP)

Dream Whipped DreamWhipped Dream[]

This item lets Swirlix evolve into Slurpuff when traded

  • XY - Cyllage City, Route 12, Battle Maison (32BP)
  • ORAS - Battle Maison (32BP)
  • SM - Konikoni City (Postgame), Battle Tree (32BP)

Items that induce evolution upon leveling up[]

Oval Stone Sprite Oval Stone[]

Razor Claw Sprite Razor Claw[]

Razor Fang Sprite Razor Fang[]
