
The Dimensional Slicer is a treasure exclusive to the NTSC version of Pikmin 2 that is actually a can opener. It is found in 9th sublevel of the Hole of Heroes. It is held by the Fiery Bulblax. Use Red Pikmin or Bulbmin to take it out. It is the 75th treasure on the List of Pikmin 2 treasures in the NTSC version.


Captain Olimar's Journal[]

"Our salvage operations have yielded several unbelievably advanced artifacts. According to my analysis, this cutting device can slice through the fabric of time and space. My days of struggling to open food canisters are over!"

Sales Pitch[]

"A dimensional cutter that slices through space and time, this is nothing to be trifled with. Good children will know not to play with this item."


  • In the PAL version of Pikmin 2, the Fiery Bulblax instead drops the Patience Tester.