
A Nu is a very rare creature in Chrono Trigger. They have been spotted in many different eras.


Footsteps! Follow![]

Crono and his party encounter a Nu in the Hunting Range in 65,000,000 B.C. It can only be found when it rains.

The Magic Kingdom[]

Crono's party also fights Nus in Enhasa in 12,000 B.C. and encounter friendly Nus in Kajar and Zeal Palace.

Break the Seal![]

Belthasar, the Guru of Life, downloaded his memory into a Nu. Crono's party found him when they discovered the Epoch in 2300 A.D.

The New King[]

A Nu can be found in the Last Village after the fall of the Kingdom of Zeal.

The Fated Hour[]

A couple of Nu's are found in the Black Omen.
