Fit Meter (Wii U)

The Wii Fit Meter is an accessory for the Wii U, compatible with the game Wii Fit U.


Along with the Wii Balance Board, Wii Fit U offers compatibility with an all-new device known as the Fit Meter. It displays the current Mii in use, speed, altitude, number of steps taken,a graph of your current progress, and even the amount of calories burnt.

The Wii U console receives Fit Meter data via infrared communication. The player can then take a look at his/her data in greater detail on a larger screen.

The player can use that data in Wii Fit U to takle courses from around the world. The Fit Meter will help track your progress toward the player's calorie-burn goal. If the player doesn't meet his/her calorie-burn goal, the remaining calories can be added to their routine.

Everyone with a Wii Fit U profile can use their own Fit Meter. Steps and calories aren't used for dogs, who have a special measurement. Babies and cats cannot use the Fit Meter.

The Fit Meter may aso be available for purchase separately.


Along with most (if not all) of the activities from the previous games in the series, Wii Fit U offers new ones compatible with the Wii U GamePad, such as Dessert Course, Trampoline Target, and Hose Down. The Body Test can now also be performed using only the Wii U GamePad and Wii Balance Board.

In the Press Release from E3 2012, it was stated that Wii Fit U would allow save data transfers from previous installments. Since it has not been brought up since, it is not clear whether this is still an option.

Players can now make their own "Gym Communities", private Miiverse communities only available to those who know that community's specific password. This is the first Wii U game to allow such a feature.
