
I Suggest We Merge Nintendo DS Lite with Nintendo DS[]

The subject says all. Pleasehelp1991 15:37, 18 June 2006 (MST)

There is no need to merge since this is a NINTENDO site and they are two different products ... we could have something like a Nintendo DS Line if you want just like the Game Boy Line--Trainwrecka 07:33, 25 June 2006 (MST)

wikipedia articles[]

Do not insert articles from wikpedia. I wonder who inserted those 2 articles about the japanese launch and australian launch...? Those articles are from wikipedia. We're doing our own stuff. By Phantom_hourglass.

damnit who copied the ds lite page from wikipedia? :| --Phantom hourglass 19:20, 24 June 2006 (MST)

well you knew someone was going to do it :)--Trainwrecka 07:34, 25 June 2006 (MST)
